Ducklings is a great way to introduce your little ones to the water in a fun, safe and a learning environment.
Our Ducklings Swimming lessons are for children aged three to five years of age, who are old enough to follow instructions and move independently in the water. We aim to build their confidence in the water by developing their skills to prepare them for Level 1 once they turn 5 years of age.
Call us on 057 921 0343 to book their place
Children’s Group Lessons
Our swimming lessons teach children new life skills and independence whilst having fun in the water. Find out more about our children's swimming lessons below, or if you would like to book, get in touch!
Call us on 057 921 0343 to book their place
Level 1 is the first step in your child’s learn to swim journey. Level 1 is for children aged 5 and upwards. If your child has not taken swimming lessons before or is new to group lessons then this is the stage for them!
Our main focus is getting your child comfortable in the water, introducing safe entry into the pool, including jumping and slide in entry. Teaching them how to move in all directions, the sensation of water on their face, blowing bubbles and understand buoyancy. These skills are the building blocks to develop the four main strokes later on.
Swimmers are introduced to aquatic breathing. Being more confident with their face in the water which is crucial to stroke development. Swimmers will develop their kicks, on both their front and their back. They will learn about streamline through push and glides, whilst also swimming underwater.
Learning to be happy in the water at an early stage will allow swimmers to develop other skills more quickly.
Swimmers perfect their leg kicks for for Freestyle and Back Crawl and further develop push and glides. They will start to learn Breast Stroke leg action followed by arm action and breathing. They will develop an understanding of buoyancy through a range of skills and should swim 10 metres (across the pool) without stopping and have good technique.
Swimmers will also develop their skills in treading water, learn the correct catch phase for the three main strokes and learn how to do handstands, touch turn and introduce tumble turns.
Learning to tread water is an important area of development and again is a crucial lifesaving skill.
Swimmers continue to develop efficient technique in all three main strokes, introduce butterfly legs and further developing surface dives and treading. The effective swimming skills taught include coordination, breathing and an understanding of water safety.
Focuses on fully developing all four swimming strokes, as well as building water fitness and improving diving skills. Swimmers should develop a quality stroke technique for up to 100 metres, incorporating the skills they have learnt throughout the levels and combining them to develop a linked routine. Progression onto Swim Club.
Private Lessons
When your child is learning the new skill of swimming, private lessons are an excellent option to consider. Private lessons allow your child to receive specific input to their technique. If your child learns at a different pace, our qualified swimming instructors can modify the lesson to fit their needs.
Some children may display a fear or anxiety of water. Private lessons provide a more relaxed environment as opposed to a group setting.
Private lessons can be scheduled to a time that is convenient to you.
Call us on 057 921 0343 to book a lessons
Swim Club
Joining Birr Swim Club can give children many benefits and be incredibly rewarding. It gives them the chance to be part of a team, build camaraderie, improve skills, get consistent physical activity, set and strive for goals, and have a lot of fun!
To progress to Swim Club, your child would have to complete our level 5 group or be assessed on their technique and understanding of the 3 main strokes.
When your child reaches Swim Club level they will be introduced to lane swimming. Lane swimming helps to increase strength, stamina and speed while perfecting racing techniques.
Club Galas will be held throughout the year.
During the tryouts, our experienced coaching staff will assess various aspects of your swimming abilities, including speed, technique, endurance, and overall fitness. This evaluation will help us determine the appropriate squad placement for each participant, tailored to their individual skill level and goals.
Once the tryouts are complete, our coaching team will carefully evaluate all participants and notify successful candidates of their squad placement.
If you are selected to join our Swim Club, further details regarding training schedules, club fees, and additional requirements will be communicated at that time.
Swimming is not just a sport; it's a passion and a way of life. Join us at Birr Leisure Centre Swim Club tryouts, as we dive into an exciting season of growth, challenges, and achievements. We look forward to witnessing the extraordinary talent that exists within our community and building a strong and supportive swim club together!
To find out when our next tryouts are held, please do not hesitate to give us a call at (057) 912 0343
Rookie Lifeguard
Our Rookie Lifeguard Programme is a fun and exciting lifesaving awards scheme for kids, teaching self-rescue, survival, rescue and lifesaving sport skills. As well as teaching children lifesaving skills, the awards are a great tool to retain swimmers in higher levels or for those that preferer not to go into Swim Club.
The Rookie Lifeguard classes are not a replacement for group/private swimming lessons as they will not be learning or perfecting their swimming technique. Instead they will focus on rescue skills and learn about CPR and how to use an AED.
Call us on 057 921 0343 to book their place